Author: Inspire Malibu

Inspire Malibu is the premier Non 12 Step, drug, alcohol, and detox treatment center in Agoura Hills, California. Our state-of-the-art treatment program combines the latest scientific research with proven, evidence-based therapies to address both alcohol and substance abuse successfully. Inspire Malibu is Joint Commission (JCAHO) accredited and has been designated a Higher Level of Care by the Department of Health Care Services. We are also uniquely qualified to address dual-diagnosis disorders.
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The Power of Gestalt Therapy: Enhancing Emotional Well-being

Gestalt therapy is a holistic and evidence-based approach to mental health that has been proven effective in improving emotional well-being and promoting personal growth. By focusing on the present moment and exploring the connections between thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. Gestalt therapy helps individuals gain self-awareness, […]

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How Long Does Alcohol Stay in the Urine? A Guide to Understanding Alcohol Metabolism

Alcohol is a widely consumed substance that can have both short-term and long-term effects on the body. Understanding how alcohol is metabolized and how long it stays in the urine is important for various reasons, such as determining alcohol impairment, monitoring recovery from alcohol abuse, and […]

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Exploring the Evidence Behind Narrative Therapy: A Comprehensive Guide

Narrative therapy is a widely recognized approach in the field of mental health that aims to help individuals reframe their personal narratives and gain a deeper understanding of themselves and their experiences. By exploring the evidence behind narrative therapy, one can better comprehend its effectiveness […]

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Unlocking the Benefits of Cognitive Behavioral Family Therapy

Cognitive Behavioral Family Therapy (CBFT) is an evidence-based approach that aims to improve family relationships and individual mental well-being by identifying and modifying dysfunctional patterns of thinking and behavior within the family system. This therapeutic modality recognizes the interconnectedness of family members and understands that […]

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The Silent Killer: Uncovering Long-Term Effects of Drug Abuse

Drug abuse is a serious and growing problem that affects individuals, families, and society as a whole. The long-term effects of drug abuse can be devastating, impacting both physical and mental health. Understanding the consequences of drug abuse is essential for prevention, intervention, and treatment […]

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Navigating New Beginnings: Working Professionals in Early Recovery

In the bustling corridors of the professional world, where ambition meets relentless pace, the journey of working professionals in early recovery from addiction often remains a silent struggle. Early recovery poses unique challenges, especially for those entrenched in demanding careers. Balancing the rigors of professional […]

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