Alcohol Abuse: Cutting To The Bones

Doctors and medical practitioners have been warning people about the ill effects of drinking alcohol for years. In fact, even the drinkers are well aware of the risks. However, once you become addicted, it becomes difficult to kick the habit.

Alcohol Abuse and the Bones
Alcohol Abuse and the Bones


According to the National Institute on Alcohol and Alcoholism, one out of every 12 American adults abuse alcohol.

While most people are familiar with the danger alcohol poses to the liver, not many know about the damaging effect it can have on your bones. Alcohol is basically a toxin that circulates throughout the body bringing poison to many areas, including our bones.

Our bones continue to grow even after the body has reached maturity and is therefore known as living tissue.

According to the latest medical studies, alcohol use over a long period of time can impair ongoing bone growth and development as it causes damage to the hormones and cells that contribute to bone health.

Alcohol results in the reduction of bone density, thus making them easily susceptible to breaking. Less dense bones are not only at a greater risk for fracture, but they are also vulnerable to osteoporosis which is a severe health condition causing pain and even disability in some cases.

The most advisable way to prevent osteoporosis is guarding bone health in youth but consuming large amounts of alcohol can likewise lead to early-onset osteoporosis.

We’re all aware that bones provide structure, stability, and support to the human frame and are also the repositories for calcium. Calcium is metabolized through the bone and into the bloodstream, where it aids muscles and nerves. This metabolism is greatly disturbed by the consumption of alcohol as it inhibits the body’s ability to produce vitamin D, without which the body is unable to absorb calcium properly.

Along with this, consuming alcohol in large quantities lowers the production of testosterone in men owing to which causes bone formation suffers. In women, heavy alcohol consumption may lead to:

  • irregular menstruation
  • low estrogen
  • osteoporosis

Drinking even interferes with the nervous system making a person more likely to take a fall. Thus, alcohol is one harmful beverage that cuts to the bone, making them less dense and prone to many adverse effects. If you have long been suffering from alcohol addiction but want to get rid of the habit now, then you can start by bringing some changes in your lifestyle and eating habits.

It is believed that many of the deprivations brought on by alcoholism can be reversed with time and good nutrition. This also applies to your bone health which can be restored by

  • eating food rich in Vitamin D
  • taking calcium supplements
  • abstaining from alcohol

Also, go for regular exercise at home to improve bone health. If the condition is more complex than just relying on your willpower, seek alcohol addiction treatment.

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