The Link Between Meth Addiction and Parkinson’s

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Scientists have identified a possible connection between Parkinson’s and the usage of methamphetamine.  According to the Science Daily report, a protein has been found that is not just integral to the process that leads to Parkinson’s disease, but it could also play a part in causing the high that is attained when using methamphetamine as well as other addictive drugs.

The protein called organic cation transporter 3 (oct3) satisfies the gap that scientists have focused on when trying to get info about the brain damage that causes symptoms, including:

  • Tremors
  • Stiffness
  • Slowness of movement
  • Postural instability

Doctors understand that symptoms of Parkinson’s are caused because of the death of a very minute, a specialized set of brain cells. The task has been to understand the cause of the death of the cells.

A number of studies in this regard have usually neglected astrocytes, the cell type that can be commonly found in the brain, as these don’t emit electrical signals. Because of this, neurons get a lot of attention, but astrocytes still play a crucial part in Parkinson’s disease. The neurons get killed when exact chemicals are released from astrocytes, including dopamine. In the presence of oct3, the impact of chemical reactions inside the brain modifies.

Scientists have come to the conclusion that oct3 is used to assist astrocytes in absorbing excess dopamine in the area around the neurons. This process is hugely interrupted by the use of methamphetamine and similar addictive drugs. When dopamine is not removed as fast or comprehensively as it usually is, people tend to feel excited while experiencing brain damage at the same time.

Scientists have reached a conclusion that in cases where there is lowered Oct3 activity, the potential for addiction is higher.

A person would tend to lower the effects in a state where it makes a harmful molecule available to vulnerable cells, as explained in the present model of Parkinson’s disease. But in the case of drug addiction, a person might try to increase it so as to lower the impact of a drug like methamphetamine.

Meth Addiction and Parkinson's

Stopping the use of methamphetamine can be extremely difficult. But with the intervention of family and friends, the right course of action can be applied. 

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