Thankful for Treatment Testimonials

We Love our job! How many people can say that and really mean it?

Anyone who works in addiction treatment knows how difficult and painful it can be to work with patients who have lost their jobs, families, and self-esteem and sometimes feel like there’s no hope of digging out of their isolation.

Oftentimes, their lives are complicated by a dual diagnosis of substance abuse and depression or mental illness. Over and over, you witness the guilt and shame they take responsibility for – not just for themselves, but for their families and friends too.

What is a dual diagnosis?

Things may seem hopeless to them, but treatment professionals, we don’t pass judgment, and we know those good things will happen once they dig in and accept treatment. We know there is hope on the other side, and soon, they will re-emerge as a whole person again, with a better life that they can’t wait to start living.

When you’re a part of helping somebody get his or her life back, you can’t help but feel grateful that you are able to give hope to another person. It may sound cliche to say that it’s better to give than to receive, but for anybody that’s been on this side of giving, you know how true it is.

Yes, we love our job. We have a lot to give thanks for every day, but it’s especially important at this time of the year. For many people in need of treatment, the holidays can be especially troubling because some have lost the relationships they rely on for support. Yet, for those fortunate enough to complete treatment, the holidays are better than ever.

One of the best parts of this job is hearing from former patients who call or write to say Thanks for helping them. This happens throughout the year but it’s always special during the holidays. Here’s an example that we’re proud of…

Addiction Treatment Testimonial

No matter what job you might have, receiving Thanks from a client, customer, vendor or just someone you work with is always gratifying. For treatment professionals, it reaches a whole new level. We’re always Thankful for the addiction treatment testimonials we receive.

Happy Holidays!


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